eBOOK ASIN: B00GS77X0E ASIN: 1493771949
When personal desires are obstructed, anger arises. We know that anger is a mask fear dons to ‘fit in; to hide from the truth. The fear then must be that we are afraid we cannot have what we desire. At this point we have two opportunities to deal with this; express or control the anger. By expressing it we create an attachment to the outcome, making us more determined to fulfill our desires. When this occurs we lose freedom as our actions form bonds; losing our memory of how we arrived at this point. This becomes a new more acceptable story in place of the truth. The real truth is repressed as we begin to ‘live’ our cover story, leading to hatred and jealousy. From there the mind further deviates to the stage of destruction. Signed by Author; personalized inscription available on request.